With the first day of Summer upon us it’s more important than ever to keep our lady parts looking, smelling and feeling its best. I think vaginal hygiene is the most important in making you feel amazing. These are the things that I do regularly and have learned over the years through trial and error (not so fun errors).
I swear by all of these tips and they are super simple and I am here to help a sister out! I’m a list person so below are my tips in list format but none are more important than the other.
These products contain affiliate links. There is no extra fee to you, it helps me out if you use these to purchase 🙂
1.Hair Be Gone
Now some women aren’t comfortable with the bald eagle but just keep in mind, the less hair the better. Hair holds odor and in the Summer sweating is damn near bound to happen, especially in your vagina area. If the bald eagle reminds you too much of being in middle school then I suggest the landing strip or even just keeping the hair tamed and short. Kinda like a man with a faded hair cut. Whether you wax, laser or shave is completely up to you. I was an avid waxer but it became a hassle staying on top of my appointments and I only like one person doing it so I would have to drive about 30 minutes. After waxing consistently for over a year, my hair thinned out so I decided to try shaving again. I found the best razor that gave me no razor burn or bumps and it left my skin so smooth. It’s by Venus and it has the Olay moisture strip. You can buy them anywhere but I usually go to Target and stock up. I linked it for you below.

2. Unscented Soaps
Some people can use any type of soap on their vag, but I can’t! Even around the area will cause me to automatically itch. The only soap that causes me no issues at all is Dial White Soap. I’ll link it but again it’s everywhere.
P.S try not put anything down there. Not even Summer’s Eve!

3. Panties
This is a two parter. First, cotton, cotton, cotton. I can’t stress this enough. The research I did showed that cotton allows miss thang to breathe. Just like us she needs to breathe. Even with lace panties I make sure the part that covers my vagina is cotton. The rest can be lace.
The second thing to panties is to alternate not wearing them. I know, I know it sounds crazy and maybe nasty but again, she’s gotta breathe. I am not one to say go out all day with no drawls on so I do it at night. Again I only do it maybe a few times a month when I know my period isn’t gonna creep up on me and cause disaster. On nights I go bare I usually wear some shorts. Don’t need to be fully open lol.
4. You Are What You Eat (or Drink)
Drink tons of water! For obvious reasons. It flushes your system. Also try to limit sugar intake. I can tell when I’ve been consuming too much sugar. I’ll be itchy down there and I will see a bit more discharge. Some discharge is normal but not a lot.
5. Let’s Talk About Sex Baby
This is probably something a lot of people don’t think about (at least I hope they do). A few things I have come to learn about sex and keeping my vagina fresh is to pee right after. I mean right after! Not the next day, not an hour later. Right after! Especially if there was no condom involved. Think about it, his fluids are just chillin inside of you causing problems.
Make sure he washes his hands if he’s going to be down there, and if possible, a clean penis is the best. I will end this section on probably the best piece of advice about sex possible. Choose your partners wisely! My ex would always mess up my Ph no matter how “clean” his penis was. I was with him for 7 years and thought I had the worse luck ever. No I just had the worse partner ever. All of the stuff I listed above didn’t work and it was all because of him!
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